Personalisation in Financial Services: Challenges and Solutions


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In our last blog post, we explored how financial services can leverage personalisation to enhance customer experiences and drive business outcomes. This follow-up article dives deeper into the challenges associated with implementing personalisation in financial services and provides actionable steps to get started. 


Challenges of Implementing Personalisation in Financial Services 

Financial Services face several hurdles when implementing personalisation: 

  1. Siloed Data: Customer information is often stored across multiple systems, making it difficult to get a consolidated view of who the customer is and use that information effectively throughout the customer journey. 

  1. Inadequate Technology: Existing systems may lack the functionality needed to support sophisticated personalisation strategies, limiting the ability to tailor interactions effectively. 

  1. High Costs: Both outsourcing and in-house implementation can be expensive and take up a lot of resources. 

  1. Complex Navigation: The complexity of integrating new technologies and strategies can be overwhelming, making it difficult to know where to start. 


First Steps to Implementing a Personalisation Strategy 

To overcome these challenges, Financial Services should take the following steps: 

  1. Centralise data:  Begin by consolidating all customer data into a single, accessible system. This step is critical to understanding the full scope of customer behaviours and needs, enabling a more targeted approach to personalisation. 
  1. Understand Your Customer Journey:  Map out the customer journey to identify key touchpoints where personalisation can have the greatest impact. This helps in tailoring interactions that resonate most with customers at various stages. 
  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with personalisation—whether it's improving customer satisfaction, reducing churn, or increasing sales. 
  1. Start Small: Implement personalisation in phases. Begin with a pilot project that can be scaled up once proven successful. 
  1. Ensure Data Protection: Balance personalisation with privacy. Implement robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure compliance. 


Overcoming the challenges with Financial Cloud 

By starting with a clear strategy, prioritising data integration, and choosing the right technologies, Financial Services can significantly enhance their customer interactions and outcomes. Here’s how Financial Cloud can help: 

  • Dynamic database: Financial Cloud is an open CRM platform that allows for easy integration of all data sources to create a unified view of customer and account data. This capability is crucial for implementing effective personalisation strategies, as it provides the necessary tools to understand and act on customer data in real-time.  
  • Event-based architectures: Capture and act upon customer interactions, providing timely and relevant personalisation. For example, if a customer makes an action on your website, the system will log this and enable you to respond in real-time.  
  • API-Integrated suppliers Financial Cloud can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, allowing for scalability and flexibility. 
  • User-friendly platform makes it effortless for your customers and business users to interact, enabling you to enhance satisfaction among both customers and employees. 


Implementing personalisation in Financial Services is a rewarding journey. By addressing the challenges and taking strategic steps, Financial Services can create highly personalised experiences that drive customer loyalty and business growth. 

Click here to start your personalisation journey.